A simple and quick diet for the lazy ... and the weak-willed: how it works, a menu for every day, reviews

The "problem" of all weight loss programs is willpower. You need to overcome laziness, pull yourself together and strictly adhere to the recommendations. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. A busy schedule, the habit of certain foods, financial difficulties, and lack of time in exercise prevent the implementation of a strict life program. In these cases, programs "for the lazy" help for all tastes.

Types and Essence

The meaning of the diet "for the lazy" is to create a comfortable custom menu for each day that will allow you to eat your favorite dishes without feeling hungry. The menu should be varied, balanced and not limited in taste.

There are different types of nutrition for lazy people:

  • water;
  • Mediterranean
  • summer;
  • honey;
  • vinegar;
  • protein.


Water for a water diet

The simplest diet "for the lazy" is definitely water. With the help of water you can "trick" the stomach.Having a glass or two before you eat (around 20 minutes) will make you feel less hungry.As a result, the feeling of satiety comes faster than a large plate of food is empty. "Side effects" of water weight loss are good health, vitality, regenerated epithelium, healthy hair.

It is necessary to consume raw (filtered) water at room temperature. Drink the prescribed dose in small sips with short breaks. It is better not to add anything to the water because particles in solution are "considered" by the body as food. Coffee, tea and other drinks are not part of everyday life.

The standard duration of a simple rotten water diet is two weeks.For best results, you can extend the program by three weeks. You can repeat it once a year, every summer when you are particularly thirsty.

With a weight of 50 kg and a calm lifestyle (without exercise), it is enough to drink 1. 5 liters of water per day. If the weight is more than 80 kg, the daily rate is 2. 5-3 liters. Too much water is harmful. Edema and frequent urination occur.


You can eat what you want, following the diet carefully. Small snacks are kefir, cottage cheese or fruit. You should drink a glass or two of water before your main meal or between meals. After eating, you should avoid fluids for two hours.

An approximate daily ration is given in the table.

time meal menu
07: 20 Drink
  • two glasses of water.
08: 00 Breakfast
  • Oat flakes (100 g);
  • banana;
  • nuts (100 g).
10: 00 AM Drink
  • a glass of water.
10: 20 Snack
  • coffee;
  • apple.
12: 40 Drink
  • two glasses of water.
13: 00 Lunch
  • lean soup (200 ml);
  • Chicken fillet with buckwheat (150 g).
15: 00 Drink
  • a glass of water.
15: 20 Snack
  • cottage cheese (100 g);
  • kiwi.
17: 40 Drink
  • two glasses of water.
6: 00 p. m. Dinner
  • green vegetable salad (150 g);
  • steamed fish (100 g).
20: 00 Drink
  • a glass of water.

There are no restrictions or prohibitions, but it is better to exclude confectionery and baked goods, sweets, salty, smoked and fatty foods from the diet. When you get ready for bed, you can drink kefir.

function!Water washes away minerals. The lack of elements leads to metabolic disorders. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement the diet with mineral and vitamin complexes.


Diet is not for everyone.It is recommended to cancel the program in the following cases:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • kidney disease;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding.
Fish on the Mediterranean diet menu


The name itself implies the presence of fish, fresh vegetables, olives and cereals in the menu. The main drink is ginger or rose hip tea. You can eat almost anything, but it is important to note its proportions. It is recommended to exclude red meat from the diet or consume it no more than once a week.

This is an effective, but long-lasting, lazy diet.It takes 7 to 14 days. When composing the menu, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • Grains are prepared daily as a side dish;
  • Vegetables should be consumed up to six times a day.
  • fruit should be three servings a day;
  • Dairy products are consumed twice a day.
  • Fish is cooked five to six times a week;
  • dietary poultry meat is consumed four times a week;
  • You can enjoy a snack with dried fruits and olives once a day.
  • Potatoes are consumed three times a week.

function!Chocolate and other sweets and eggs are not prohibited. However, their consumption should be reduced to three times a week (one egg, one piece of chocolate).


The lazy Mediterranean diet menu is easy to customize. The main rule is that the food should be varied, not just fish or vegetables. It is recommended to refuse butter and salt. A small amount of olive oil is used as a condiment.

A sample menu is shown in the table.

meal Menu options
  • Oat flakes with milk, fruit juice;
  • fruit salad with kefir or yogurt;
  • Quark casserole, juice;
  • omelette, any fruit;
  • Toast with cheese and tomatoes, boiled egg.
  • Kefir or yogurt without additives;
  • banana;
  • oat biscuits, tea;
  • coffee with a piece of dark chocolate;
  • Quark.
  • Salad, tuna;
  • risotto with vegetables, apple;
  • rice, vegetable stew, cheese;
  • pasta with fish or squid and tomatoes;
  • lean soup, vegetable and cheese salad, juice.
  • nuts;
  • cheese and tomato sandwich;
  • grapefruit;
  • dried fruits;
  • slice of cheese, apple.
  • Salad made from green vegetables and quark;
  • vegetable salad with chicken;
  • baked or steamed fish, salad
  • Chicken fillet, rocket salad;
  • baked eggplant with cheese and tomatoes.

Important!Meat and fish are each consumed 100 g. The proportion of the other products should not exceed 200 g.


This is a simple diet for the lazy and suitable for absolutely everyone because it has no restrictions and does not focus on one product. In compliance with the principles, you can create a customized menu that takes into account allergies, food intolerances and chronic diseases.

Vegetables make up the diet of the summer diet


Vegetables and fruits form the basis of the diet, so this method is best used to lose weight in the summer. Of "heavy" foods, fish, seafood, and mushrooms are acceptable. To help the intestines, you need to drink kefir.

This quick, lazy diet only lasts five days.You can extend up to ten if you want. You can lose 2. 5 to 5 kg. The general condition of the body is improved by the abundance of vitamins and minerals.

function!The diet does not imply physical activity, so it is necessary for athletes to adjust the diet. Can eat rice, fish, chocolate, eggs.


Daily servings should contain 2 kg of vegetables and fruit. Products can be consumed fresh, cooked, steamed. Soups and casseroles are allowed.The menu options are shown in the table.

meal Menu options
  • Toast, tea without sugar;
  • nuts, tea;
  • fresh vegetable salad.
  • fat-free cottage cheese;
  • kefir, banana;
  • walnuts, kiwi.
  • vegetable soup, steamed fish;
  • lean soup, steamed eggplant with mushrooms;
  • Potato casserole with tomatoes.
  • steamed vegetables, toast;
  • fish baked in foil;
  • Vegetable salad with squid.

function!The diet is suitable as a fasting day.


The program is contraindicated for people with stomach, digestive and kidney problems. If the diet does not satisfy hunger, cause dizziness and nausea, then you should leave the nutritional system smoothly.

Honey is a catalyst for metabolic processes


Honey in adequate quantities is beneficial for the body and an excellent substitute for confectionery. The product "works" as an antiseptic, as a moisturizer for the skin, as a catalyst for metabolic processes.

A tablespoon of honey is eaten before meals. You can also have a honey drink at night (2 hours before bed). Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey to a glass of warm water or a chamomile infusion.

There are three types of honey diet for weight loss "for the lazy" - for three, six and 14 days.This time is enough to lose 1. 5 to 6 kg, depending on the duration and starting dates. You can repeat the program in two months.

function!Starchy foods that reduce the "fat burning effect" of honey three times must be excluded from the diet.


The diet consists of vegetables and fruits. You can make salads from peppers, tomatoes, apples or stew cabbage, beets and carrots. The presence of fermented milk products with a low fat content is mandatory. It is recommended to drink 200 ml of kefir (200 ml) three times a day.An example of a simple daily weight loss menu for this "lazy" diet is shown in the table.

meal Menu options
  • Salad or sliced ​​apples and oranges, boiled egg, slice of whole grain bread;
  • cereal flakes with milk, juice;
  • oatmeal, juice;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, tea.
  • Vegetable stew, tuna, juice;
  • vegetable puree soup, steamed fish, grapefruit;
  • steamed diet meat, coleslaw, juice;
  • Cauliflower, steamed carrots, berries, tea.
  • Baked apple with honey;
  • cottage cheese (200 g);
  • nuts (60 g);
  • fruits (200 g);
  • dried fruits (100 g).
  • Salad, baked fish;
  • steamed vegetables, fruit juice;
  • celery salad, a piece of cheese, juice;
  • Chicken fillet, vegetable salad, tea.


The main contraindications are gallbladder diseases and product allergies. People without these deviations can try this "for the lazy" diet to lose weight quickly without fear of deterioration in health.

Vinegar speeds up the metabolism and relieves hunger

Acetic acid

The Lazy Vinegar Diet accelerates the metabolism and relieves hunger. In addition, the vinegar solution effectively fights fungi, acne, normalizes blood pressure and activates defense mechanisms.

In order not to harm your health and to keep all the beneficial properties of vinegar, you need to use a natural cider solution. Apple-flavored vinegar won't work for this.

According to doctors, the maximum duration of this diet "for the lazy" should not exceed 10 days, the minimum - three days.Half an hour before meals, 200 ml of water must be drunk with two teaspoons of a 9% vinegar solution.

function!After drinking water with vinegar, you need to rinse your mouth. Acid has a destructive effect on tooth enamel.


As with the water diet, you can eat what you want in moderation and without excessive use of sweets and fatty foods. The table shows an example menu for an express diet.You can lose up to 3 kg.

days Breakfast Lunch Dinner
  • Oat flakes in water (200 g);
  • apple or pear.
  • steamed lean meat (150 g);
  • Vegetable stew (150 g).
  • Vegetable salad (250 g).
    rice porridge (200 g);
  • berries or dried fruits.
  • baked fish (150 g);
  • vegetable salad (200 g).
  • Chicken or turkey fillet (150 g);
  • a glass of milk.
  • apple.
  • a couple of apples.
  • Baked apple with a spoon of honey.

function!Snacks are not included in this diet. The third day is "unloading". You should gradually exit the diet without overeating.


The main contraindications to diet are the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • cystitis;
  • hypotension;
  • colitis;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes.

function!Vinegar increases the acidity of the stomach, so even healthy people should not abuse the solution.

The basis of nutrition in a protein diet is food meat


This is not a diet for the lazy. It is usually used by athletes, but it is also suitable for anyone who just doesn't like to starve, are always on the move and don't like sweets. The diet is based on meat, beans, fish, cheese, seafood and cereals.

It is not recommended to follow a protein diet for a long time. Protein puts a strain on the kidneys. In addition, a lack of fiber and carbohydrates leads to malfunction of the digestive system and metabolism. It is recommended to take additional vitamins and minerals. The optimal diet time is 14 days. During this time, you can easily lose 5 kg of weight.

function!Permitted diet drinks - unsweetened tea or coffee, herbal tinctures, vegetable juices. You need to drink up to two liters of water a day.


Despite the ample table, the diet still has some restrictions. You don't need to consume more than 1200 kcal per day. This means that starchy vegetables, flour products, sweets, smoked and fatty foods should be excluded.In the table you will find a detailed daily menu of this lazy diet.

meal Menu options
  • low-fat cottage cheese with honey;
  • boiled eggs;
  • omelette;
  • nuts, kefir;
  • Chicken breast with a slice of wholemeal bread;
  • Feta cheese.
  • steamed vegetables, tofu;
  • veal steak, green vegetable salad;
  • baked seafood, salad;
  • lentil soup;
  • steamed fish fillet, vegetable salad;
  • omelette, cheese;
  • steamed chicken fillet, salad.
  • apple, green salad;
  • nuts, natural yoghurt;
  • Chicken fillet, vegetable salad;
  • falafel, vegetable salad;
  • boiled eggs, juice;
  • fruit salad.

Important!It is not enough just to stick to the menu. Physical activity is required. You can do fitness, swimming, jogging.


The protein diet must be approached with care because it is not balanced. There are contraindications:

  • age;
  • liver disease;
  • kidney disease;
  • Disruption of the digestive tract;
  • dysbiosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout.
The girl studies the reviews of those who lost weight on a lazy diet


Reviews of lazy diets are mostly positive due to the simple process and good results.

“The Mediterranean diet is very nutritious, no hunger. I lost five kilograms in two weeks. It seems like a little, but considering that you don't have to exercise and can eat delicious food, it is very good. "

“The summer diet has proven to be effective for me. I don't really like meat, so I could live without meat for two weeks. It's hot in summer, so for better or worse you have to drink a lot and eat little, there is absolutely no appetite. The results were gratifying - minus 3 kilos in five days. "

“I was on a honey diet for most of the summer. A liter of honey was gone in three months. I took breaks and relaxed, but in the fall it started to weigh 10 kg less. To be honest, I don't know what worked - honey or moderate food (I didn't make any bans). "


Even for the most lazy and weak-willed, there are diets that do not require long hours in the gym, count calories and fit into the usual dynamic life. If you follow a diet correctly, you will not feel hungry. In order for the program to be effective, you need to drink a lot and monitor the amount of food consumed.