Egg diet for 4 weeks: a detailed menu for each day in the table, reviews from those who have lost weight

Egg diet for 4 weeks is a great opportunity to lose weight quickly without harm to health. On the way to the ideal of harmony and femininity, the fair sex makes use of a wide variety of diets, which can be given their own place with the low-calorie mono-diet.

So, for example, for a week girls like only fruits or vegetables, because, as the "makers" promise, during this period you can lose up to 5-7 kg of excess weight. But after 3 days, those who lose weight come to the conclusion that theyare already beauties and don't need to lose weight.

Egg diet for weight loss

But what about those who need to lose weight out of necessity? Of course, adhere to such a diet, where disorders are almost impossible.

That is why the egg diet is so popular, which allows you to lose a kilogram a day and is designed for a long-term result. To get acquainted with the detailed menu of this diet for each day, you can read this article.

Chicken eggs for weight loss and their beneficial properties

Protein is used by athletes to increase muscle mass. With weight loss, this product not only saturates the body with useful trace elements and amino acids, but also gives energy for the whole day.

For a person of normal weight, three eggs a day are enough to maintain physical and mental activity throughout the day.

In order to lose weight with chicken eggs, it is necessary to clarify the possibility of eating fruits and vegetables that help normalize and stimulate metabolism. Thanks to a balanced diet, girls do not need to take an additional vitamin complex.

What is the reason for the egg diet's popularity? The fact is that a chicken egg is digested in the stomach for up to 4 hours. This means that the girl will not feel hunger for a long time.

And in combination with citrus fruits, the duration of saturation increases to 5-6 hours. The calorie content of a boiled egg is only 60 kcal, and an orange contains up to 70 kcal. So, it turns out that the daily norm does not exceed 700 kcal - this allows you to lose 5-10 kg of excess weight per week.

regulate egg diet

Features of the egg diet and rules for compliance

There are many egg diets these days. All of them are designed for a certain number of days, so they are composed on the principle of balance and allow you to use not only fruits and vegetables, but also lean meat, chicken and fish.

The main rule during the diet is full and strict observance of all the rules and features without deviations. Otherwise, you can waste time in vain or cause even more harm to your body.

Rules for following an egg diet

  1. Any egg diet requires compliance with the rules, which include:
  2. Every egg diet is designed around three main meals. Snacks or late-night adventures to the fridge are not allowed here.
  3. Eggs are simply boiled until soft (so that they are better absorbed by the body) without adding salt and spices.
  4. Only freshly squeezed lemon juice may be used as a dressing for the salad preparation.
  5. Only citrus varieties are allowed as fruit: grapefruit, orange, lemon.
  6. When meat is on the menu, it is either cooked skinless chicken or cooked lean meat (pork and lamb are prohibited). Meat and chicken can also be baked or steamed without oil.
  7. Eggs in large quantities can adversely affect kidney function, so you need to drink more fluids to remove putrefactive products, as well as accumulated toxins. Here they use pure water, green tea and other unsweetened herbal teas and drinks. The total volume of liquid should exceed 2 liters per day.
  8. For breakfast you need to eat an orange or grapefruit in the first place. Citrus fruits help reduce stomach volume, which allows you to reduce the amount consumed.
  9. Be careful with such a diet, since an allergic reaction often occurs, even if it was not noticed before.
  10. You can not stick to a diet during pregnancy and lactation. The presence of chronic diseases also prevents weight loss in this way, although this is permissible with the permission of the doctor and after the examination.
  11. Eating eggs and citrus fruits can cause bloating and other intestinal upsets.

The beginning of any diet should be with the permission of a doctor and a full examination of the internal organs. When using citrus fruits, special attention should be paid to the study of the gastrointestinal tract.

how to boil eggs

Pros and cons of the 4 week egg diet

The egg diet has its advantages:

  • Eggs are pretty tasty food. Here, in principle, they can not only be boiled, but also fried in a pan without oil;
  • Eggs are cooked quickly, so you don't have to spend a lot of personal time preparing dishes;
  • If you are engaged in fitness, you can be sure that in a week you will see some kind of relief in the body.
  • Proteins are great for skin, nails and hair.

But despite the multitude of positive aspects, there are also disadvantages to the egg diet. A long-term diet of eggs alone can lead to an imbalance of useful trace elements, so just stick to the established menu.

Excess protein can lead to discomfort and various problems, among other things. If you find something similar in you, get off the diet and consult a doctor.

Egg diet for 4 weeks: a detailed menu for each day in the table

The egg diet has its own characteristics. In the first two weeks the breakfast stays the same and in the third and fourth week a different assortment is offered for each day, which has to be divided into 3-4 meals.

All other than forbidden fruits Any cooked vegetable All permitted fruits and vegetables Boiled or stewed fish, boiled vegetables, salad Meat, Chicken, Vegetables fruits of the same variety fruits of the same variety Meat 150-200 g or chicken quarters, tomatoes and cucumbers 3 each, 1-2 toasts, tuna, canned without oil - 1 canned, 1 grapefruit Meat 150-200 g, 3 tomatoes and cucumbers each, 1-2 pieces of toast, 1 apple or pear or 20 g melon or 1 orange 30 g cottage cheese or low-fat cheese, 200 g boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers and tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 orange Half a chicken, 2 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit 2 eggs, 3 tomatoes, lettuce, 1 orange 500-700 g chicken, 150 g cheese or cottage cheese, kefir, 2 tomatoes and cucumbers, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit 30 g of cottage cheese, canned tuna without oil - 1 can, 200 g of boiled greens, tomatoes and cucumbers - 2 each, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit
breakfast Dinner Dinner
week 1 Monday Half a grapefruit or orange, 2 eggs fruits of the same variety Boiled or baked meat
Tuesday Boiled or baked chicken 2 eggs, 1 toast, vegetable salad, 1 grapefruit
the Wednesday Tomatoes, low-fat cheese, 1 toast Boiled or baked meat
Thursday fruits of the same variety salad and meat
Friday 2 eggs, cooked vegetables (zucchini, beans, peas, green onions) Braised fish, lettuce, 1 orange
Saturday Boiled or baked meat meat, salad
Sunday Chicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange Cooked vegetables
2 weeks Monday Half a grapefruit or orange, 2 eggs meat, salad 2 eggs, lettuce, 1 orange
Tuesday meat, salad 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit
the Wednesday meat, pickles 2 eggs, orange
Thursday 2 eggs, low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables 2 eggs
Friday Fish boiled or steamed 2 eggs
Saturday flesh, 1 orange Fruit salad (apples, tangerine, melon, peach, orange)
Sunday Chicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange Chicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange
3 week Monday
the Wednesday
4 week Monday
the Wednesday

If you find it difficult to stick to the egg diet for a month, you can try using it for a few days. The weight loss will be smaller, but the effect will be the same. For example for 3 days or just for a week.

Egg diet for 3 days

If you need to perfectly shape your figure for the planned celebration, you can resort to express weight loss in the form of an egg diet for three days.

The entire menu consists of three eggs and three oranges per day. So you can lose up to three kilograms of excess weight and get rid of edema. Attractive appearance and chiseled figure - success at the festival and attention of the strong half of humanity.

Egg diet for 3 days

Egg diet for a week

If you want to lose a dozen extra pounds, it is recommended to use an egg diet for a week. Here it is important to adhere to the menu approved by nutritionists, since violation can lead to a number of problems and turn the desired effect in the opposite direction.

  • Monday. Breakfast starts with an orange and two boiled eggs. You can drink green tea or unsweetened coffee without adding milk. For lunch, you can add 150 grams of boiled skinless chicken to the breakfast diet. Eggs and oranges are excluded for dinner, and 200 grams of boiled chicken fillet and a glass of low-fat kefir are consumed.
  • Tuesday. Treat yourself to a glass of freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice for breakfast. You also need to eat two boiled eggs. Lunch consists of two oranges or one grapefruit and 150 grams of cooked chicken fillet. All drinks in this meal are forbidden, only clean water. Dinner includes two eggs and an orange, and a glass of milk, preferably skim milk.
  • The Wednesday. On an empty stomach, drink a glass of boiled water with a slice of lemon. Handle this drink with caution and do not use it for stomach disorders. Complement your breakfast with a boiled egg. For lunch, eat 200 grams of lean boiled meat (treat yourself with a diet rabbit) and a grapefruit. Tonight's dinner is modest - just two boiled eggs and a glass of still mineral water (fizzy drinks whet the appetite).
  • Thursday. The morning starts with a treat – in the form of an omelet made from three eggs and skimmed milk. It is allowed to add a variety of greens. Lunch includes cooked chicken drumsticks that have previously been skinned. Round off your meal with a salad. For dinner, boil an egg and prepare two grapefruits. Fruit can be divided into two meals if desired. After eating, drink a glass of clean water.
  • Friday. For breakfast (you can do it in advance in the evening), prepare yourself an unusual, but very tasty salad of boiled carrots, boiled eggs with low-fat sour cream dressing. Add as many vegetables to the dish as possible. Lunch consists of a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice and two medium-sized fresh carrots. Friday dinner is truly royal - sea fish in unlimited quantities (but in moderation), stewed or braised in the oven with the addition of a teaspoon of natural lemon juice. Along with fish, eat an egg and drink a glass of clean water.
  • Saturday. Weekends are special. In the last two days, dinner is completely excluded. Breakfast on Saturday consists of 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of citrus juice. For lunch you should eat two grapefruits and two boiled chicken eggs.
  • Sunday. For breakfast they eat two boiled eggs and only half a grapefruit. Lunch consists of 200 grams of boiled and lean meat, plus one orange.
Egg diet lunch option

Features of the weekly egg diet

Of course, it is quite difficult to stick to the presented diet for a week, but if you want to get a beautiful, slim and toned body, then gather all your will into a fist and look forward to achieving your goal.

The decision to adopt a weekly egg diet should be made only after a full study of the characteristics and some rules. For example, you can clarify the following:

  1. Mineral water must be of high quality and alkaline, since alkaline can neutralize the acids produced by citrus fruits.
  2. You can slightly deviate from the rules and use only low-fat dairy products. A large amount of citrus neutralizes fat during the decay period, so you can use dairy products up to 1. 5% fat in the diet.
  3. As you can see, the last two days do not include dinner. This is a necessary measure to "shake up" the body, because in the first five days it can get used to a new diet and stop destroying its accumulated fat. If such hungry evenings are difficult for you, you can cook up to twoeat eggs
  4. It is not necessary to eat only chicken eggs. If desired, one chicken egg can be replaced with 2 quail. They are easier for the body to digest and have more useful trace elements in their composition.
  5. As you can see, pure water is only listed a few times. This does not mean that its use is restricted. On the contrary, during the diet you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
  6. In case of violation of the diet, start from the first day.
  7. You should exercise throughout the week. Quieter views and light loads are perfect. For example, preference can be given to the usual morning gymnastics, hula-hoop spinning or calm swimming.
  8. The use of a joint complex of vitamins or dietary supplements is not prohibited.

Compliance with all the rules will help to quickly achieve results. However, if you feel unwell, gradually discontinue the diet and consult a doctor.

How to get out of any egg diet

The preservation of the achieved charming result directly depends on the exit from the diet, that is, the return to normal nutrition. Any egg diet is accompanied by citrus fruits, so after the end of the prescribed menu they cannot immediately be excluded from your diet.

According to nutritionists, the output should contain the same products that were used during the diet. They can be used not only as a supplement to the main diet, but also completely replace eggs and oranges for lunch or dinner.

Getting off the egg diet

The egg diet really works wonders, but its long-term use can lead to problems and the development of various diseases in the body.

Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend sticking to such a diet for more than a week - this is the optimal time to achieve a slim figure.